Saturday, January 12, 2013

There is such a thing as beauty sleep.

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 After yesterday, I am convinced there is such a thing as beauty sleep. And here is why...

 On Thursday evening after going out to dinner, I returned home and all but immediately feel asleep on the bed. Boots, jeans, fleece on and all. It was 8pm. I slept just like this until 11:30pm, at that time, I woke up, changed into pajamas, drank a glass of milk, and fell right back to sleep until 9am the next morning. With the brief stint of being awake at 11:30pm, I slept right around 12 1/2 hours, give or take a couple of minutes.

This feat was amazing even for myself, who has always been a lover of sleep.

Well Friday, I went into work at 11am. I had 5 customers on Friday. Here are excerpts from 3 of them:

A couple of Asian gentlemen: "We get to work with this good-looking women!?!?!"

A young lady with her mother, in response to the Christmas picture of my boyfriend and me: "Shaila, you look much prettier in person." (I took this as a compliment, because I thought personally I looked pretty cute in the picture.)

Family of three, in reference to the same picture: "You are much too good looking for your boyfriend (sidenote: if you don't know my boyfriend, he's quite dreamy), you are such a nice looking lady and have a great personality to match."

So, if anyone claims or thinks I ever sleep too much, please reference this blog post. I am just testing my hypothesis and getting my much-needed beauty sleep.

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