Sunday, July 21, 2013

Selecting a date.

This may be the one thing that is just as terrible as everyone says.

Originally I had said that I would either get married in October (5 months from proposal) or April (11 months).

Things to consider when choosing a date:

-Is the day going to fall on any big gamedays, that the groom or men in your life are going to grumble (at least one time) that it is on that day? This may only be an Oklahoman thing where college football (which is played in the fall) dictates most people's schedules. 

-Doing the once over with everyone to see if they have any major travel plans or events that would cause them to not make it. Some people would disagree and say "pick the date", they'll make a way to be there if they want to. While I agree you can't accommodate everyone, there are certain people that you probably really really want to be at your special day. My mom and grandma both have major vacations scheduled for October, leaving only the 5th available (and yes- it wasnt a major gameday). However, my finance's grandmother could not make it. In my mom's defense, when planning the trip, she did check to see if I was going to get married then- i responded "of course not" considering I was yet to get engaged. 

-What season do you want to have your wedding in? Honestly, to me, the thought of a winter wedding mortified me. I do not like the cold, and the thought of trying to get things planned during the chaos of the holidays, easily wiped out the winter months.

-When do you want your anniversary to be? It may sound weird, but this one of my biggest influencing factors. My birthday and Christmas both fall in December. Valentine's day is February. And my fiance's birthday is in March. Because of this I wanted a celebration to be a few months after Christmas and my birthday. Which is why I had always been drawn to late spring versus October.

-Decide if having it sooner is going to stress you out. If having it sooner will stress you out, then its not worth it. If you are going to spend the rest of your life with them, what's 6 more months? Also, youre only engaged for this short period of time, so soak it up.

-Decide what day of the week you would like to get married on. When it came to a Sunday vs. Saturday, there were a few things that influenced this decision for me. If you are having your wedding on a Sunday, there are some things that may be less expensive (which you will see in future blog posts). Also, I work in the car industry, which is only closed on Sunday (statewide), this allows me to plan best for not only the wedding, but vacation time for a honeymoon as well, and all of my friends who also work in the car business will able to be off, when getting off for a Saturday would be nearly impossible. And in opposition to some recommendations by a couple of people, I am fully convinced that those friends who would stay late on a Saturday will be the same ones to stay late on a Sunday. And those who leave early "because its Sunday", would be the same ones to leave early on Saturday.

-May sure not to forget those floating holidays. It's easy to plan or not plan your wedding on big holidays- Christmas is always December 25th, Valentines- February 14th, the floating ones (as I like to call them) are a little tricky sometimes. For example: Mother's day, Easter, Labor Day. For us, we had are hearts set are April 20th, then realized that was when Easter fell next year, followed by the OKC Memorial Marathon the next week, which takes place downtown (where our wedding will also be), which finally pushed on date on into the first Sunday of May, which is the one before Mother's Day. 
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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Planning my dream wedding.

I do not consider myself a wedding planning extraordinaire, nor do I consider myself any sort of wedding planner. I mean after all, this is my first, and hopefully, only wedding I have planned.

However, if I do say so myself, I am doing quite well at this thing.

I got engaged on April 28th, 2013, and we have set a date: May 4th, 2014. Which allows for basically right at a year. A little longer than I would have originally anticipated, but that picking the date thing, may be just as tricky as they say. We'll get into that one later.

Since we do have a little over a year, we have time to be patient about decisions, time to look at every single location we need to, time to scour stores for the perfect sale. I do realize there may be someone reading this that has shorter of a timeline, and for those, I'll do some of the dirty work for you. While this blog may have helpful tidbits for the masses, it will probably be most beneficial for those ladies in the oklahoma city market, so that is where I am located and where my dream wedding will be taking place.

And for those of you who normally read my blog (my mom and less than a handful of friends), sorry if there are no surprise factors, as they will almost all be talked about here. But then again, you guys are the ones helping me and that I am sharing with in my real life.

So not only do I hope one or two people find some of this info a tad helpful, I am also very excited to look back and reminisce on how exciting the planning was.
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