Sunday, September 20, 2009

and the list goes on.

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and we continue...

Friday, September 18th.
Name: MOM
Why: If I tried to list every single reason my mom deserves the unsung hero, there would not be enough room on this page. But for the reason that she deserved it today, there is enough room. I decided on Thursday, that on Friday i would pay my mom a visit. Upon my arrival Friday evening, it was dinner time. What had she prepared (and the reason she gets the award today)? Steak: she has been telling me about this for a while how she makes this great seasoned steak and that i must try it. Potatoes: any one who knows me probably knows that potatotes are hands-down, my favorite vegetable. i don't believe there is a way that you could prepare them and i wouldnt like it. Squash: also love, love. fried squash has always been a treat my mom and i enjoy together. though not fried this time, they were super delicious. Pineapple and Cottage Cheese: an always enjoyable snack by yours truly. Pumpkin: since my return from Africa, i have been telling my mom about baking a pumpkin and that she needed to try it and its great taste. and so for the first time, she gave it a shot. The reason my mom receives the award is not simply for the home-cooked meal which would be well worth a prize. She receives it, because of the thought behind it. It feels great to have those people in your life who know what you like, and don't have to ask what they should make and/or do, because they already know.
(Note: if you would like to have the joy of cooking me a home-cooked meal, go ahead and feel free and contact me and i'll let you know when a good time is.)

Saturday, September 19th
Name: Construction Workers
Why: Bless them, and their taking of a day off. Friday I was delayed 30+ minutes on my way to see my mother, because of the need to take traffic down to one lane on two occasions. So on my return on Saturday, I alloted more than enough time for a bump or two (or a thousand contrustion cones) in the road. And to my suprise there weren't any. Praise the Lord!

Sunday, September 20th
Name: The Little Kids Who Dance at Church.
Why: There are a handful or two of children who dance during worship at the church I attend. Their dancing is not choreographed or rehearsed. When I seeing these kids dancing, it brings joy to my heart. And I recall Scriptures from the Bible that we should have childlike faith, and I think this is just one great picture of what that looks like.

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