Sunday, May 8, 2011

Share it Please
i decided today that i don't blog near enough, so today (or maybe tomorrow) i plan on changeing that. a couple of things to be on the lookout for in the upcoming blog posts: DIY PROJECTS- i have always been a huge fan of these, however it always seem like the people giving tutorials are some sort of superhuman, while i, on the other hand, always seem to run into some sort of glitch, so ill write about the projects so that ou may be forewarned. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN LETTERS- there are different times in my life where some company lets me down. ill vent here to tell you what they could do better, ill include a letter if i am sending one to the company, and ill keep you updated on any measures taken to clear their name and restore goodness in humanity. CONDO UPDATES- ive lived in my condo for almost 7 months and have lots still left to do on the to do list. this will include before and after shots, and the ho-hum of the how the project came to completion. dont worry the blog will still, as always, continue to contain undertakings, life stories, and random thoughts.

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