i've decided to update my blog. its only seems fitting that it progresses somewhat considering thats all my life seems to be doing these days. (and no, i dont mean that in an 'uppity, stuck up' sort of a way. i do mean that in a 'you better hold on to the seat of your pants, buckle in, hope not to fall off, enjoy the ride' sort of way.) as a result of this crazy, completely unknown, heartbreaking, joyful, tiring, intriguing, crazy undertaking... i have decided to blog. i am beginning to realize that in a world full of alot of unknown and wavering things, that you should hold onto to the things you love and are certain of and the things that keep you sane. and this, my friends, falls into that catergory.
im not sure if you are the toasting type, but if so, or even if not, let's make a toast:
a toast to a new year, a toast to a new blog, and a toast to my sanity.
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