So i dont think i ever shared publicly my list of '10 BIG THINGS IN 2010', but i was able to locate it last night and thought i would share it with you along with the successes and failures. (and no i dont consider it cheating to put things down that are inevitable, and no i dont think its sad that the majority of the things i accomplished are this type of thing.)
#1. graduate college (debt-free): ACCOMPLISHED: i was successful in graduating college in may of this past year. i was also successful in graduating debt-free. and yes i love the fact i have no homework and dont have to go to classes.
#2. go on a cruise: FAILURE: we had planned a cruise with a handful of friends, but as usual, everyone flaked out. i am still holding out hope that this gets to happen sometime in the near future.
#3. celebrate grandma's 80th birthday: ACCOMPLISHED: i drove over 4 hours to get there to see lots of people that i had no idea who they were. but suprisingly, it was really fun. it was fun to see my grandma enjoying herself and mingling with lots of loved ones. i recommend everyone have one of these.
#4. get a real job: ACCOMPLISHED: in october, i was hired for m first 40 hour work week job, and for the record, its not as glamourous as one would think or hope. it has taken alot of getting use to and i am still adjusting to this huge change. however, it is nice to have some sort of structure and normalcy in life.
#5. run a half marathon: FAILURE: i did not run the half marathon, i did somewhat train for it though. if i recall correctly, i trained for about 7 weeks very very consistently, and then i guess i just hit the wall, and couldnt motivate mself any more.
#6. visit NYC or Portland: FAILURE: this makes me very sad, and im still holding out hope and dreaming of the day that i can make one or both of these trips.
#7. lead house church: ACCOMPLISHED: i was able to co-lead the UCO house church for Bridgeway this past spring. i enjoyed the group of us that were able to gather together and dig into the WORD.
#8. start a non-profit organization: FAILURE: i was unable to start a nonprofit organization, i did a 501(c)3 conference sponsored by FIREPROOF MINISTRIES and learned an incredible amount. i am taking my time before taking any immediate steps in this direction. time to grow and mature and build a solid foundation for any organization.
#9. become an aunt: ACCOMPLISHED: on february 12th, i became the aunt to the most beautiful baby girl, Hazel. I love her with all that is within me and i dream of the days we get to spend together.
#10. get married (10-10-10): FAILURE: however, i dont really view it as a failure. i didnt put this big thing down, because i am so desperate to tie the knot, but more because i love the number 10 and thought it seemed like the perfect day.
and so as you can see...i accomplished 5/10. i dont think thats too bad. 50%!!
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