Sunday, November 1, 2009

clarity and boldness.

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as the Lord continues to work and chisel in my life, i am going to continue to seek His will for me. there for been a few opportunities and ideas placed in front of me this moment and time. and if it were up to me, i would say YES! to every single one of them. however, i do not want this to be just things shaila thought were a good idea. i want this to be the Lord's wants and desires for me, and if He chooses that they are not, then i dont want them either.

i have recently been praying for clarity in different areas of my life. and this past thursday, that is all i could pray. i couldnt even elaborate or add any additional words to my longing for clarity. so thats all i prayed- "Lord, that you would grant clarity in my life." i happened to be at the Union, our local weekly college service when i was praying this. not even a minute later, these are the words that began to be sung:

"sweet Jesus Christ, my sanity.

sweet Jesus Christ, my clarity."

two things:

one) if you have been around me much, especially as of lately then you know this- i am losing my mind and completely scatterbrained. one recent example: when i woke up in the morning and was looking for my car keys, i found them in the outside lock of the apt door from the night before. and had no idea. so to hear and to sing the words "sweet Jesus Christ, my sanity" take on a whole new meaning. in the chaos of my life and in my thoughts, the Lord remains faithful, and even if i cant be sure of anything else (even if its even where my car keys are) i can be sure of this: He is my sanity!

two) so i pray for clarity and am instantly reminded that you are my clarity. You make things make sense. and i took this as confirmation that the two new ministries in my life were His desire, and that i would seek them until He shut the door.

as the evening continued on and the Word began to be spoken, the exact topic that one of these ministries deals with, was the focus of the message that night, and the Lord continued to nudge my heart in this direction.

friday..while driving in my car, i began to cry out to the Lord with requests, with needs, with wants, with tears, with love, with worries, with scripture. and as i worshipped with a community of believers that night at Bridgeway the Lord continued to prove His faithfulness and His mighty love.

sunday morning as i sat at the urban celebration downtown, i continue praying to the Lord asking for clarity in different areas of my life and then the Lord responded, "Shaila, you no longer need to pray for clarity when i have made cleared to you what i want you to do. You now need to pray for boldness.."

So that is where i find myself today, praying for boldness. praying for courage. praying for obedience. praying for faithfulness. praying for surrender. and though i dont know exactly what any of those look like or exactly what the Lord's plan for my life looks like. it's okay, i trust Him.

also i encourage you to check out this link, it's the song Mystery by Charlie Hall;

1 comment :

Shannon said...

I’m commenting to challenge you to a blog throw down of sorts (if you don’t watch Food Network, this reference will be meaningless). Anyways, on November 11th I will be posting a collection of 11 random things about myself (facts, pet peeves, sayings, hobbies, hopes, dreams, etc.). I challenge (invite) you to join me in doing the same on Nov. 11th, and then we can link to each others’ blogs and it will be awesome. This is a random idea of mine, but I thought it would be fun to have some community with blog friends. I’m challenging others, and feel free to invite other to participate. So, what say you? Do you accept this challenge? :)