Since January 22 (the last blog entry) life has continued on and has been quite full
February: the most significant event that happened in February was the birth of my neice, Hazel Avery. She is the most precious thing ever. Since I first heard that I was going to be an aunt, my love for her has done nothing but grown. Here is the most recent picture I have taken of her (now at 5 months old).

March: can be best characterised of times of being able to hang out with friends. There were many birthdays and other outings to be celebrated. Spring Break also takes place in the month of March, so a few of us took a last minute trip to Branson. Here are a few pictures from one of the birthdays:

April: may have been the most difficult month I had experienced in a long time. During this month, the core amount of school work is due and when you are taking 23 hours, this is not a simple task. I also had the privilege of balancing this with 15 hours of interning a week. I did my internship at the Catholic Charities' Homeless Women Daycen: ter. All to be topped off by apx 20 hours of work a week. When May rolled around, I was just thankful that I could still breathe.
May: I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Sociology- Human Services with a minor in communication. After 3.5 years of hard and not-so-hard work, I finally had something to show for it. Also in May I had the privilege of going to a launch501(c)3 conference put together by the folks at Fireproof Ministries. And as you can gather from the title of the conference, they gave very useful information about beginning your own non-profit. This was also neat, because I was able to spend a few extra days in Vegas with my dad for some quality time and a graduation present of sorts.
While these are some highlights of my last semester of college, these are also some highlights that took place:
-Baby Shower for Hazel
-Plenty of nights of salsa dancing
-Multiple nights of two-stepping
-Birthdays: Mom, Lana, Lauren, Kelsey, Rawle
-Super Bowl Party
-Bingo on multiple occasions
-Red dirt poetry
-Invisible children campout
-Grandma's 80th Birthday party
-Kaylee's wedding and Bachelorette party
Now that I rushingly summarized 4 of the last 6 months of my life, I will begin to fill you in on the most recent aspects of my life.