Friday, January 22, 2010

so i did it!
i finally made myself run...
well i guess i did run for two consectutive days back in november, but im not sure that counts.
i only ran a mile today. when running in november i ran 1.5 miles both days, but i guess i've digressed.
and today when i was running- the awful, dreaded, painful stitch in the side came. and it came early. needless to say- i was suprised and appalled.
welp! day one down, 92(ish) to go! i will be taking some breaks in there- both scheduled and unscheduled.
oh and for those of you who are un-informed: i am beginning to run because i am starting to train for a half marathon (on my bucket list!!) that takes place in Oklahoma City on April 25th.
p.s. yes, you are welcome to come and support!
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Monday, January 11, 2010

my last first day of school.

wow. wow. wow.

it's my first day of my last semester of school. that is the first thought i had both yesterday and this morning- and to be comepletely honest, it creeps me out quite a bit. school is what i know, not necessarily what i love, just what i know. i have been in school since i was five years old!! i am twenty-two now. for those of you a little slower at math, that means 17 years. that means 17 years of being told when i have to wake up and where i have to be at a certain time. and for those of you who have already passed this milestone in your life are probably thinking 'well it'll be the same when you get a job.' and why yes that will probably be true. but at this moment i have the freedom- i can actually choose what i want to do or not want to do, where i want to live or not live. it makes me really anxious, and nervous, and excited, and scared to death- but im ready for the ride of a lifetime.
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Friday, January 8, 2010


[so i guess it would be safe to say that i failed at writing everyday of december. but im not bummed about it, not even suprised. i dont like feeling obligated to do things, i like to do them because i love to do them.]


i dont even know how many times i have already said the phrase above. maybe 8 times. once a day. nah, probably more, i say it multiple times a day. i truly believe that 2010 will be a big year (one small reason i also believe it will be great is because i love love love the #10). and i also truly believe that me believeing it will be the best year ever will have some effect on it as well. in a later posts, i will let you in on the reasons why i think this year will be so grand.

i kinda wish i was the resolution type. im not though, probably because like stateing earlier- i dont like the obligation.

oh, one other thing: i am now 22 years old, and though i did dread that birthday coming, it resulted in an amazing time and maybe the best birthday ever. one great thing about having your birthday on new years eve, is that the first day you wake up being 22 is also the first day of a brand new year. thats like double new beginnings. and i like the sound of that. so not only is 2010 going to be great, but the dread age 22 is going to be great as well.

so i guess if i was forced to set a resolution or even a theme of sorts for this year it would be that

I am going to live life fully this year. every single day of it.

and im not going to just end up doing this out of obligation, i am going to be doing it out of love. out of love for my Lord, out of love for my friends, out of love for my family, and out of love for myself.

happy 2010! may it be your best year ever, or at least your best year yet!
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