Friday, December 11, 2009

i'm the grinch.

I hate the mall. I hate the mall 100x more during Christmas time. I attempted to go Christmas shopping the past couple of days. The first time was unpainful, yet short-lived due to somewhere else I needed to be. The second attempt was more painstaking, yet I did manage to accomplish some of my shopping, just not with the best attitude.

Here are some of the reasons, I continued to remind myself that I hate Christmas shopping, and the reasons why I deemed myself the grinch while at the mall:

1. We all know parking is bad, and I can deal with that, but I cannot deal with people (slow walkers) walking in the middle of where you drive down the rows, and seem to be oblivious to your car.

2. Small cars: I hate thinking you have finally found a parking space, and then, 'oh yeah, there's a little baby car parked there.'

3.I hate that there is road construction right outside the mall and traffic goes down to one lane. It's not like they didnt know Christmas was coming, and that there is a traffic flow problem even without the construction.

4. I hate that the heaters are turned up to the absolutely highest that they could go. It's cold outside, people are going to wear lots of clothes. There is no need to turn the heaters full blast unless you want me to walk around the mall in my undies. Heat makes people uncomfortable, unhappy, tired, and gripey.

5. I hate unfriendly associates. It's your job to be nice and helpful to me.

6. I hate when people are standing way too close to you on the escalator. Unspoken rule: One person to a step, and maybe leave one in between us.

7. I hate the kiosk workers at the mall. If i wanted to try your stuff, I would come and ask to try it, or at least make eye contact with you. And if I didn't 5 minutes ago when I walked by then Im not going to want it now, or at your other 4 kiosks in the mall.

Needless to say, I have yet to finish all of my Christmas shopping, which means I am going to have to brave the elements once again.
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Monday, December 7, 2009

mission failed.

so i guess we can say that i royally failed (one post per day for the whole month)..i would like to blame it on finals...i like to blame everything bad on them...but considering i have this whole day to do absolutely nothing (will be explained in future blog) and that blogspot has this neat thing where you can change the post date and time, then i will write a few blogs to fill in the space between the 6th and 14th..maybe i can fill all the days, but im not sure if that is possible. so we will begin with this one (although it was truly written on the 14th), it is filling in for the 7th.
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Sunday, December 6, 2009

fianls are this week.

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

used car salesman

So for those of you who don't know I'M A USED CAR SALESPERSON.

and today was a great milestone:


hopefully many more to come...
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Friday, December 4, 2009

bullhorn theory.

so a couple of months ago, i had the chance to listen to this guy- Justin McRoberts- at Bridgeway. he has some great songs, with really full lyrics. give this and his other stuff a shot, you wont regret it.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009


*i love reading yahoo news, and to be honest, its where i usually get clued in on important and not-so-important things going on in the world... and this would be one of the not so important things.


here are the boxes from the past to current- beginning on the left in 1916, then in 1923, then in 1956, then last updated in 1970.
here also is the woman who posed for the painting found on the original boxes. her name is Lorraine Collett Petersen, this is from may 1915

and now...drum roll please...this is the 21st century makeover of the sun-maid girl..

times are a changeing....consider yourself educated...

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

and some things about december that make me not so happy:

being so cold i can feel my bones shake.

chapped lips.
dry skin.

when your car heater takes incredibly too long to heat up.

not finding enough clothes or blankets to keep warm, even in your own house.

when people do a bad job of putting up christmas lights.

cheesy renditions of favorite christmas classics.

the merry christmas vs. happy holidays feud.

running noses.

frostbitten hands.
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

hello december.

i love december.

here's a few reasons as to why:

christmas lights.

snow. (hopefully).

hot cocoa.


one of my best friends welcoming her second child.

my birthday.

getting gifts for people.

little debbie christmas cakes.

huge break from school.

taking trips to visit friends.



hot tea.


candy canes.

the christmas spirit.

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